كـيـف تـتـحــرك الـدول الـصـغـــرى: نـحـو نـظـريـة عــامـة


ABSTRACTIs there a relationship between the existing international system (international structure) and small states external behavior? Or the behavior of these states shaped and determined by the structure of its internal political regime? Which lead us to ask if the foreign policy is a responding to domestic crises? This theoretical debate is our concern in this study. I will try to explain and interpret the behavior of the small states according to the Balance Theory propositions, that assume and arguing that “The regular pattern of small states behavior in the international system is to Bandwagon with other great power, not balance or allying against it”. In this study I arguing that: “Despite the nominal different between all variants of Realist's Balance Theory (Balance of Power, Threat, and Interests), all these sub-theories agree–for different reasons–that the prefect regular action to small states if it want to preserve its survival and sustain its security is to Bandwagon with great powers”. This study is divided into five parts. In the first part I will discuss the controversial theoretical debate in the study of international politics over “How Small States Act”, which factors that determine and shape State’s Actions and how it react to international crises and conflicts, and on the debate over the effects and impacts of international structure on states external behavior. In the second part we will discuss in details the Realistic version of balance theory and how it explain and interpret the behaviors of small states in the international system. In the third part we provide a critical perspective to the western school of thought in the study of international politics and third world countries. In the fourth part I will layout my thesis, which calls ‘Balance of Values’. In the final part we sum this study with some conclusions to better understanding to the behaviors of small states. KEYWORDS: IR Theory, Realism, International Balance, National Security, Superpowers, Small States.